The zine is based on a quote from Walter Benjamin's article «On the Concept of History, » one of the author's major works. The article was written in early 1940 under the impression of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact and the sense of imminent world catastrophe. Benjamin was fiercely critical of German fascism, social democracy, and Stalinist communism.
This article, as well as scans from Around the World 1969 (the year of the assassination attempt on Leonid Brezhnev, the year of the first moon landing in human history), inspired me to create a zine-leporello where I intertwine unrelated events from history and a table of stars drawn from Bayer's designations, thereby trying to convey my feeling of the constant repetition of history and the inevitability of its collapse in the face of modernity. The «leporello» form also emphasizes my desire to reproduce the cyclical nature of time.
The zine unfolds into a poster.
Edition of 20
Russian language